Posts Tagged ‘ wisdom tooth extraction ’

What to expect after wisdom tooth extraction

Wisdom tooth extraction is one of the most common oral surgeries. While it does require recovery time, wisdom tooth extraction is a straightforward procedure. If you are having your wisdom teeth removed, here is what you can expect after surgery. Recovery time will vary Recovery time from wisdom tooth extraction varies. Some patients feel fine […]

Why did my dentist send me to an oral surgeon for a tooth extraction?

Your dentist can perform most simple tooth extractions but there are some situations where the specialty knowledge, experience, and care of an Oral Surgeon is required. If your dentist has referred you to a specialist for a tooth extraction, it’s probably for one of the following reasons. Your tooth is impacted Extracting an impacted tooth […]

Wisdom teeth and the risk of gum disease

If you have impacted wisdom teeth, your dentist or oral surgeon may recommend extraction as the best long-term treatment option. This is due, in part, to the role impacted wisdom teeth play in gum disease. Even if your impacted wisdom teeth are not bothering you, extracting them as a precautionary measure is often your safest […]